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Cookies & Similar Technologies

Published On February 29, 2020. Entered Into Effect March 31, 2020.

Qogita's Use of Cookies

It's important for the user of Qogita's services to understand how cookies and other similar technologies are used on this platform. These technologies help Qogita function, allow it to understand how the user interacts with its services, and have a number of other purposes that the user can read about in this policy.

By signing up to Qogita (directly with us or through a third party application, plug-in, extension or integration) you agree to accept the cookie technologies described below.

Qogita distinguishes between a few different but similar cookie technologies as outlined below.


Cookies are small data files sent from a server to the user's web browser. They are stored in the browser’s cache and allow a website or a third party to recognize the browser. There are three primary types of cookies:

  • Session cookies are specific to a particular visit and carry information as the user views different pages so the user does not have to re-enter information every time the user changes a page or attempts to checkout. Session cookies expire and delete themselves automatically in a short period of time (e.g., after leaving the site or when closing the web browser).

  • Persistent cookies remember certain information about the user's preferences for viewing the site, and allow Qogita to recognize the user during each visit. Persistent cookies are stored in the browser's cache or mobile device until chosen to delete them, and otherwise typically delete themselves at expiration.

  • Third-party cookies are placed by someone other than Qogita, and may gather browsing activity across multiple websites and across multiple sessions. They are usually a type of persistent cookie and are stored until deleted or until their expiry.

Other Technologies

Web beacons are tiny graphics (sometimes called "clear GIFs" or "web pixels") with a unique identifier that are used to understand browsing activity. In contrast to cookies, which are stored on a user's computer hard drive, web beacons are rendered invisibly on web pages when a user opens a page.

UTM codes are strings that can appear in a URL (the "Uniform Resource Locator," which is typically the http or https address entered to go to a web page) when a user moves from one web page or website to another, where the string can represent information about browsing, such as which advertisement, page, or publisher sent the user to the receiving website.

Purposes Of Cookies

Qogita uses Cookie Technologies to recognize the user's logged-in state on the platform, to understand what purchases users and visitors are interested in, to make Qogita’s site function properly, to help the browsing experience and use of the site and services feel more customized.

Security and Authentication (Strictly Necessary)

Some cookie and similar technology functions are necessary and vital to ensuring that Qogita works properly for visitors and users, such as maintaining the security, safety, and integrity of the site, authentication and logging into Qogita (including remembering permissions and consents users have granted), and ensuring the ability to securely complete transactions.

Account and User Preferences

Some technologies are used to remember user's account and preferences over time, such as keeping the user logged in when returning to Qogita, keeping track of their preferred language and country, and customizing content based on how the user interacts with Qogita.

Performance and Analytics

Some technologies help provide performance data on how the services are functioning in order to improve Qogita and the services, including, for example, data on site functionality and speed to help optimize Qogita, how the services are used to help improve user experience on Qogita, and detecting and gathering reporting on bugs to help make Qogita work better.

In addition, Qogita may employ transient technologies, including cookies or local stored objects, for site performance, experiments, form information, and interactions with the site, and may use temporary, short-term cookies for limited-time site events such as sales and promotions.

The site employs Google Analytics to help understand how Qogita is used by its community. To see how to opt-out of Google Analytics Features, see Managing User Cookie Technology Preferences at the bottom of this policy.

By using Qogita's platform the user is acknowledging and consenting to the use of Cookie Technologies.

Certain Cookie Technologies are employed to make the site function for its intended purpose, and are provided based on contractual necessity based on the user's agreement with Qogita to perform the services the user requested.

These include the functions strictly necessary to the service noted above.
By choosing to use Qogita's services, after having been notified of Qogita's use of Cookie Technologies in the ways described in this Policy, the user hereby grants permission to such use by Qogita.